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The purpose of a porcelain veneer is to conservatively restore aesthetic and function to your teeth
Porcelain veneers are thin ceramic shells that are bonded on top of worn, discolored, or misaligned teeth. Unlike traditional crowns, veneers are a minimally conservative option that can drastically restore function and aesthetic to your smile. Requiring less reduction, these beautiful restorative solutions can enhance the color, shape, size, and alignment of your teeth and smile.
The first step to beginning any case is to understand your goals! Dr. Vuong takes the time to sit down with you and better understand what you like and dislike about your smile. No person is the same and each smile is unique. Focusing on creating a natural smile, Dr. Vuong begins by getting to know you and your desires.
Treatment begins with a digital impression to capture your teeth and bite using our Cerec Primescan or iTero Illumina system. This digital impression is used to create custom-made veneers to cover the affected teeth. The design is hand-crafted digitally or analog and comprehensively reviewed by Dr. Vuong to assure that the initial design is within the specifications and desires of his patients. Approximately 10-14 days later, this design is presented to you for review.
At this stage, minimally invasive and conservative preparations are done on the teeth and the model is used to fabricate temporary veneers. This “temporary” is a try-out phase to make sure that that you are satisfied with the esthetics (size, shape, and design). Dr. Vuong will review and adjust them as needed to assure you have a comfortable fit.
Approximately 10-14 days later, the permanent veneers are returned from the ceramist and permanently bonded on to restore, revitalize, and rejuvenate your worn, misshapen, discolored, and misaligned teeth – for a beautiful, healthy smile.
Please call 714-894-7700 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.