

Endodontic Services at Dental Oasis in Orange County

Expert Endodontic Care at Dental Oasis

At Dental Oasis, we specialize in endodontics, a branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of dental pulp and the tissues surrounding the root of a tooth. Our expert team, equipped with the latest technology, is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care in a comfortable and welcoming environment.

What is Endodontics?

Endodontics focuses on the inside health of your teeth, specifically the dental pulp, which is the soft inner tissue of a tooth. Problems in this area can lead to pain and sensitivity, and if left untreated, can affect your overall oral health. Our endodontic services aim to save your natural teeth, alleviate pain, and prevent the need for dental implants or bridges.

How Can Endodontics Help You?

Our endodontic treatments can help in several areas, including:

  • Root Canal Therapy: The most common endodontic procedure, root canal therapy, is performed to save a tooth that has been severely damaged by decay, disease, or injury.
  • Endodontic Retreatment: If a previous root canal therapy fails, our specialists can perform a retreatment to save your tooth.
  • Endodontic Surgery: Procedures such as apicoectomy (root-end resection) can be performed to treat persistent infections or complications in the root area.
  • Cracked Teeth: We offer specialized treatments for cracked teeth, which can prevent the spread of damage and restore the function of your tooth.
  • Traumatic Dental Injuries: Our team is skilled in treating injuries that lead to dislodged or avulsed (knocked-out) teeth, aiming to preserve or replant teeth whenever possible.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a conservative alternative to extracting or removing severely damaged or deeply infected teeth. This straightforward and common nonsurgical procedure may be the only way to keep a natural tooth. The procedure gets the "source" of pain by removing the nerves and damaged tissues and placing a biocompatible material called gutta percha to "seal" and prevent reinfection. The tooth is then built back up and prepared for a crown.

Endodontic FAQ's

  • What is a root canal treatment?

    Root canal treatment is a dental procedure used to treat infection at the centre of a tooth (the root canal system). It involves removing the damaged or infected pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the area, and then filling and sealing it to prevent further infection.

  • Is root canal treatment painful?

    Modern root canal treatment is generally painless as it is performed under local anesthesia. Patients may experience mild discomfort or sensitivity for a few days after the procedure, which is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers.

  • How long does a root canal procedure take?

    The length of a root canal procedure can vary depending on the complexity of the tooth and the extent of the infection, but it typically requires one to two visits to complete. Each visit may last from 30 minutes to an hour.

  • What are the signs that I might need endodontic treatment?

    Signs that you might need endodontic treatment include severe toothache pain upon chewing or application of pressure, prolonged sensitivity/pain to heat or cold temperatures, discoloration of the tooth, swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums, and a persistent or recurring pimple on the gums.

  • Can all teeth be treated endodontically?

    Most teeth can be treated endodontically. However, some teeth may be too severely damaged by decay, fracture, or other conditions to be saved. An endodontist can evaluate the condition of the tooth and discuss available treatment options.

  • What are the alternatives to root canal treatment?

    The main alternative to a root canal treatment is tooth extraction. However, it's generally best to keep your natural teeth if possible. Extracted teeth should be replaced with an implant, bridge, or partial denture to restore chewing function and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting.

  • How successful is root canal treatment?

    Root canal treatment is highly successful, with over a 95% success rate. Many teeth fixed with a root canal can last a lifetime.

  • Will my tooth need any special care or additional treatment after endodontic treatment?

    Immediately after endodontic treatment, you should avoid chewing or biting on the treated tooth until it has been restored with a permanent filling or crown. This final restoration is necessary to protect the tooth from fracture and decay. Follow your dentist's or endodontist's care instructions to ensure the best outcome.

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